여름 풍경 속 사물과 공기 Things and Views in Summer Scenery

모기장 안에서 In a Mosquito Net

Watercolor on Canvas, 90.9×72.7cm, 2019

초록 잔디와 파란 하늘 Green Grass and Blue Sky

Watercolor and Gouache on Linen and Cotton Sewn on Aida Cloth Canvas, 66.0×105.0cm, 2019

운동장 울타리 Playground Fence

Watercolor and Gouache on Sewn Linen Canvas, 72.7×116.7cm, 2019

해 질 무렵 뭉게구름 Dusk Clouds

Watercolor and gouache on canvas, 111.9×83.8cm, 2019

공원에 누워서 하늘을 바라봤더니 Lying in the Park and Looking up at the Sky

Watercolor and gouache on canvas, 64×122.7cm, 2019

연못가 The Edge of a Pond

Watercolor and Gouache, Acrylic Medium on Canvas, 71.0×100.0cm, 2019

비 온 뒤 노을 A Sunset After the Rain

Watercolor on Canvas, 81.0×81.0cm, 2019

밤에 본 노란 꽃 Yellow Flowers at Night

Watercolor on Canvas, 59.8×84.0cm, 2019