현대미술 다시보기 Book
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.4×5.2×2cm, 2016

딸기 Strawberries
Acrylic on Sculpey, 7.5×11.0×4.6cm, 2016

오른쪽 걷기 Walking on the Right
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.4×5.2×2cm, 2016

현대인을 위한 국제 매너 Business Etiquettes & Protocols
Acrylic on Sculpey, 7.5×11.0×4.6cm, 2016

스티커 Sticker
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.4×5.2×2cm, 2016

직조 끈 Strap
Acrylic on Sculpey, 7.5×11.0×4.6cm, 2016

봉숭아물 Colored Fingernails with Balsam
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.4×5.2×2cm, 2016

조권 K-Pop Star
Acrylic on Sculpey, 10.4×6.9×2.1cm, 2017

피카츄빵 Pikachu Bread
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.4×5.2×2cm, 2017

계단을 내려오는 고양이 Cat Descending a Staircase
Acrylic on Sculpey, 7.5×11.0×4.6cm, 2017

팜파스캣 Pampas Cat
Acrylic on Sculpey, 6.3×11.1×5.1cm, 2017

복숭아와 사과 Peaches and Apples
Acrylic on Sculpey, 8.2×6.4×2.5cm, 2017

버터 Butter
Acrylic on Sculpey, 7.5×11.0×4.6cm, 2018

카푸치노 Cappuccino
Acrylic on Sculpey, 3.2×5.7×0.8cm, 2018

식빵과 딸기잼 A Plain Bread and Strawberry Jam
Acrylic on Sculpey, 10.9×7.4×4.3cm, 2018

Untitled(Good Morning)
Acrylic on Sculpey, 5.9×15.6×4.6cm, 2018

솜주먹 Soft Punch
Needle Felting; Felt, 15.0×11.0×10.3cm, 2018